It has recently hit me, that I am not happy with my life. I think this strange feeling started to take full affect a little after this year began. It's unfortunate to say I have not done any of my new year's resolutions, one being to think more positively in the year 2010. I think some of it stems from some family tragedies that have occurred but most of it stems from just being way too hard on myself. I recently graduated from college with a bachelor's in Journalism, just last summer. And though that can be a huge accomplishment, it also comes with a lot of expectations. The expectations you put on yourself and the expectations that come from those around you as well. I for sure had a hell of a lot of expectations and goals, as I always do. I had a bad year in high school, my senior year. A year I don't think I have fully forgiven myself for. And looking back I wasn't even as bad as you'd think. I wasn't having sex, I wasn't touching drugs, I wasn't coming home past curfew and I was smart enough to not get into a serious relationship. I always understood that was a pointless thing to pursue in high school. I just was seriously slacking in my studies. I lost focus, grades went down and that just lead to a serious of mistakes and disappointments I brought on myself. Since then I've been super ambitious and driven to the point where it's hard for me to just let myself slow down and come up for air.
I pictured myself by 23, with a full-time job working as an editorial assistant at a place I loved and living on my own somewhere in Brooklyn and completely financially independent. I'm glad to say at least part of that goal has been fulfilled. I am an editorial assistant, but I work part-time at my previous college, and don't make enough to live on my own. So I'm still living at my parent's place in Queens, still somewhat financially dependent on them and still commuting about an hour and half to the city. I guess you can say reality hit. This is life. Things happen that sometimes stir you away from the plan you had for yourself. I'm sure if I asked 10 people, 'hey are you where you'd like to be in life,'? I'm sure at least half of them would respond, 'no'. The trick to living your life to it's fullest is not being able to check off every goal you had set for yourself on your life plan(and yes I literally had written up a life plan for myself that's how much of a control freak I am) but to savor every positive moment of your life as much as you can.
There are definitely a lot of things I can certainly be grateful for. For one, I have an amazing family. I can go and talk to my parents pretty much about anything, except religion (we never see eye to eye with this) but other than that we have a pretty good and healthy relationship. I have been fortunate enough to have my wonderful grandmother live with us and blessed with two great siblings, and no, I'm not just saying that. I went to college and finished, something not everyone can say. And forgive me if I sound like I'm bragging, but this has always been a huge accomplishment for me. I learned a lot, and I feel like it really molded me into the person I am today. Because of my college education I have developed an interest in a lot of things I probably would of never discovered or been exposed to otherwise. I figured out who I was, and not just who my family wanted me to be, and discovered a way of thinking and living that fit ME and MY personality. And I will always be grateful for that.
I have also been blessed with an amazing boyfriend, I really couldn't ask for a better one. There's just so many things I love about him that if I literally sat down and listed those things that list would probably turn into a book, seriously. He's great. We have such similar interests and mentalities, yet our temperaments and personalities differ in ways that make us so well balanced and compatible. And our love is so strong. But as a career driven woman all those things just haven't been enough for me. But like I've mentioned earlier, even if I was to have all my plans work out for me, and I get my dream job working full-time, making enough to move out and live on my own in a nice, up and coming neighborhood in Brooklyn, that doesn't mean I'll be happy. I mean maybe I will be happy for a couple of years, but what about when that's no longer enough? I mean naturally by the time I meet those goals, I will carry on a new set of goals needed to be met. Am I still making sense to you?
So what makes someone truly happy? What makes someone truly content with life itself? Well part of it is being able to appreciate what we have already been blessed with, and that's easier said than done. So I've decided that I am going to put myself on a new plan. On a life plan to happiness. How to live a happier and healthier life and become content with where you're at in your life. Yea that title definitely needs some work. But I will refine it as I go on. Don't get me wrong, I'll still continue working hard, updating my resume when needed, continue to contribute and write to even places that won't pay, and keep my eye open for good opportunities. But I am going to try my best to no longer make this DEFINE or MAKE my life. Your career doesn't define you, how much you make doesn't define you, what defines is who you are as a person, and these days I'm not totally satisfied with that. Focusing my life on my career and finances hasn't made me the best person I can be. And it sure can be emotionally and even mentally exhausting. So I intend on starting this new life changing plan today. It will be organized to a certain extent, but not super-crazy-psycho-organized like I usually am with every facet of my life. These are some of the things I intend on doing:
Mediating-I never tried this before, but a couple of people I know do it and say that it really helps them to unwind and clear their minds.
Praying-Praying to me, as much as I hate to admit it, can be emotionally exhausting. It makes me feel like I'm constantly asking for things, and so when those things don't happen I remain disappointed. But being the spiritual person that I am, praying does lift my spirits. So I intend on praying, but a little differently than I normally do, I intend on praying just to give thanks. For instance, when I wake up in the morning praying to give thanks for another day.
Taking care of my health-I really believe that taking care of your body really does help your mental and emotional state. Whenever I exercise it relieves a lot of stress. Also taking care of my body, exercising and watching what I eat really makes me feel better about myself in general. Health is something we should never take for granted, I've learned that the hard way.
Reading-Reading is another thing that really distracts me and really enlightens and motivates me. Whether it's spending some time reading recipes from Real Simple Magazine or reading a good novel, reading really does make me feel great. So I intend on continuing to make more time to read.
Avoid gossip-I have to admit I'm usually pretty good at keeping away from gossip. And I don't go around talking about people, especially because I am a HUGE believer of Karma. But I'm not going to lie, every here and there when someone comes to me with an interesting gossip, I don't shut them down. I listen. And listening to a gossip is just as bad as sharing one, you're still participating. Gossip creates a negative energy and usually makes me feel bad about myself afterwards, so it's not worth it.
Surrounding myself with positive energy-I recently had a conversation with my mother about how I just can't see myself pursuing certain relationships with certain people. Over the years I have been able to pick up when someone is being genuine with me, and if someone genuinely cares and respects me like they try to claim. And when I don't feel that sincerity it leads to a lot of awkward and uncomfortable moments. And the truth is why should I hang out with someone whose passive aggressive or tries to put me down even in the most subtle ways or that I just don't connect with at all? It just doesn't make sense, and what winds up happening many times is I feel so uncomfortable around these people, I wind up not being myself around them. And that's probably the worst thing you can do. Hanging out with friends and family who truly respect and love me for who I am is what I intend to do in the future, or should I say the present.
Staying motivated, but not setting huge goals-Like I mentioned before I will always keep my eye on the ball. My dream job will still be my motivation and I will still work towards that but I'm not going to kill myself. I'll get there when I get there, and try to enjoy life along the way.
Relax!- This is definitely a hard one for me. So hard that whenever my boyfriend tells me 'babe just relax," I immediately hit the defense. 'What do you mean relax, I'm relaxed, don't tell me to relax!' There are a number of ways people relax, but one way I relax is spending more time with myself. A friend of mine who has a dating blog reminded me of that. Her recent entries have been dedicated to "dating herself," getting to know herself better as a person. And if you're not spending time with yourself how can you really know who you are? So definitely more alone time, whether it's reading, meditating, taking long showers(once in a while or my dad will kill me because of the water bill), taking long walks alone, listening to great music or whatever it is.
Grooming yourself- A little bit of vanity won't kill anybody and it can go a long way. I hate when women say 'I'm not vain.' That's such bullshit. Most women do acquire a certain amount of vanity, especially if you look presentable most of the time. And the women I know who claim not to be vain are never fat, ugly slobs with un-plucked brows and no makeup on. Vanity when used wisely can be a good thing and this is one thing that has always been praised in my household. A woman should always take care of herself. Not to say that you have to be super vain and constantly be on top of your appearance, because that in itself can lead to an entirely different problem. If you can't walk out of yourself at least once a week to meet a few friends in a bare face and the only thing running through your mind is 'I can't believe I left my house without makeup.' There's definitely a problem. But like my grandmother always says even at her 81 years of age she still dolls herself up because it just makes her feel good about herself. I don't believe in going over board and spending tons of money on expensive, trendy outfits. I just mean getting your nails done, or doing it yourself if you know how to. Having your hair look nice and neat, get it done in a salon every once in a while. Try to make yourself feel pretty. If you feel great, you'll look great and you'll carry yourself great. And that confidence will show and make other people want to be around you. Nothing's worse than being around an insecure Debbie Downer.
So these are just some of the things I intend on doing to live a happier and mentally, and emotionally healthy life. I intend on trying others things as I continue on my journey. So the next couple of blogs will be dedicated to this journey. I'm not sure I will be writing about anything else on this blog for a while. At least until the end of the summer anyway. I hope you felt inspired by this message and feel free to try this yourself if you'd like. Maybe in a few years I'll be like those Zen people, who knows!
I think the title for this post is a little better than the original title I had. But the title of the following posts will be Mi Plan. Don't ask. I remembered it from Nelly Furtado's recent album and if just clicked.
Love Jo : )
love it! : )
ReplyDeletegreat memoir
I love it Jo !
ReplyDeleteWow i read your blog its amazing your attitude on things and your mentality i love it . I agree with the things you are saying fully , But i can say i use to feel like you completely until i found my peace of mind and that was jesus christ, i start going to church every day reading the bible and praying and god feeled me with the holy spirit and i can say i am truly happy and never be happier in my life. Great blog by the way